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- Newsletter: If you would like a printed copy of the newsletter, please contact the church office by phone, email or tell Martha.
- Session Meeting: TBA
- Congregational Meeting: Sunday, January 26, 2025 after service
- Poinsettias: The poinsettias that are in the overflow room behind the sanctuary are free for the taking.
- Elder Training Luncheon: Attention all current Elders, on January 26th there will be an Annual Elder Training Luncheon. It is strongly encouraged for all those serving on Session to be present for this brief training. We will be discussing some of the "ins and outs" of serving on Session and enjoying fellowship together.
- Photos for the newsletter: If you have photos of flowers in your garden, interesting scenes from your travels, etc., please consider sharing them for use in the monthly Newsletter. Likewise pictures of church activities are greatly appreciated. Please send for the January Newsletter. Winter images will be gratefully appreciated. Thank you.
- Volunteers Needed: The local Red Cross is in need of community volunteers to help with a variety of their services. Please see the bulletin insert for details and consider volunteering.
- Attention Families: Children's Bulletins will be available each week for youth of all ages. Some weeks they will follow the Lectionary, and they are great conversation starters for families during the week. There are also "Busy Bags" located in the back pew of the church. Any kiddo is welcome to use them during the church service. Please return them to the basket after the service is over.
- Office Hours: The office will be open on Monday. Tuesday, and Thursday from 9:30 to 3:00. Wednesday from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM
- Worship Service: Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 11:00 AM and on Facebook live.
- 2025 Giving Envelopes: We will be preparing the 2025 giving envelopes. If there are any corrections or additions from last year’s information, please notify the church office.
- Healing Patch: Information is also available for anyone interested in volunteering for the Healing Patch. Volunteers help children experiencing grief at the loss of a loved one.
- Prayer List of 2025: If you have any names you would like to be added to the Prayer List, please call the church at (814) 472-6920, email: [email protected] place in the Offering Baskets near each of the front entrances. Thank you. Please note: Starting in January there will be a new Prayer List. If you would like to have anyone on the current list transferred to the 2025 list or add any names, please notify the church office.
- Online Giving: Have you ever walked into church and said to yourself: "Oh, No! I forgot my envelope and I don't have my checkbook." Or maybe you are away or sick for a week or two. If you set up on-line giving you will never have to worry about that again. You can set it up for once a month, weekly, or a one-time donation. You can also designate what part of the donation goes to the general fund, major repairs, benevolence, and so forth. Information is available at the rear of the sanctuary or Click on the words online giving to find the instructions on how to set-up an account for giving on-line.
- Service: There are service opportunities at our church. If you would like to volunteer please click on the word Service and fill out the form. Submit this form by email ([email protected]) to the church or place it with your Sunday offering.
- From the Society of St. Vincent DePaul and Ebensburg Food Pantry: There may be folks in our communities who do not know of our food services to the poor in our area. If you know of anyone who could use a monthly allotment of food, please have them get in touch with us. We follow US Department of Agriculture financial guidelines; however, if people come to us that need food we never turn them away! We are in the rear of the Mini-Mall and there are signs “St. Vincent DePaul Ebensburg Food Pantry”. We are open on Thursday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Our phone number is 472-4362; ask for Alice or Doris
- "SIGN-IN" Sheets for Worship: Please use the sign-in sheets in the pews when attending Worship Services. Information from the "sign-in sheets" is used for reports submitted to the Presbytery. Thank You.
- 2024 Per Capita: Our per Capita offering, which supports the work of the presbytery, synod and general assembly, has been set at $45.00 for 2025. We are a connectional church, and we encourage you to submit you per capita as soon as possible! Just mark your envelope or the memo line on your check. We are then responsible for sending this full amount to the Redstone Presbytery. Thank you.
- You may join our good church in one of three ways:
- Transfer from another congregation.
- Reaffirm your faith if you have not been active church member recently.
- Profess Jesus as Savior and Lord.
- Please talk to the pastor or one of the leaders.
Redstone Presbytery
Pine Springs Camp News
Ping Springs Camp Inkorporated: if you have empty ink jet cartridges (No Laser/Toner cartridges), bring them to church and they will go toward the PSC programming budget. We will have a box to collect the ink cartridges. Thank You.
Pine Springs Camp News
Ping Springs Camp Inkorporated: if you have empty ink jet cartridges (No Laser/Toner cartridges), bring them to church and they will go toward the PSC programming budget. We will have a box to collect the ink cartridges. Thank You.
If you need pastoral care for yourself or family member, please call the church office at (814) 472-6920. Office hours are Monday and Wednesday; 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Tuesday and Thursday; 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.