Scripture Readings
May Scripture Readings:
May 7, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Colors: White and Gold
Lectionary Readings
Acts 7:55–60 An angry crowd stones Stephen; he prays: Jesus, receive my spirit.
Psalm 31:1–5, 15–16 Deliver me, O Lord; into your hand I commit my spirit.
1 Peter 2:2–10 Now you are God’s people, built into a temple like living stones.
John 14:1–14 Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; he prepares a place for us.
May 14, 2023
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Colors: White and Gold
Lectionary Readings
Acts 17:22–31 Paul introduces the Athenians to their “unknown god”: the Lord.
Psalm 66:8–20 Bless God, who hears our prayers and keeps us among the living.
1 Peter 3:13–22 Do not fear; testify to the hope that is in you through Christ.
John 14:15–21 Jesus says: the Father will send the Spirit, who will abide in you.
May 21, 2023
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Colors: White and Gold
Lectionary Readings
Acts 1:6–14 After Jesus’ ascension, the disciples go to Jerusalem and pray.
Psalm 68:1–10, God rides upon the clouds, and gives power to the people. 32–35J
1 Peter 4:12–14; 5:6–11 You are suffering now, but the God of grace will restore you.
John 17:1–11 Jesus seeks the glory of God and prays for his disciples.
May 28, 2023
Day of Pentecost
Color: Red
Lectionary Readings
If Numbers 11 is chosen as the First Reading, Acts 2 should be used as the Second Reading.
Acts 2:1–21 On the day of Pentecost, God pours out the Spirit upon the earth. or Numbers
11:24–30 The Lord sends the Spirit to the elders of Israel, and they prophesy.
Psalm 104:24–34, 35b The Lord of creation sends forth the Spirit to renew the earth. 1
Corinthians 12:3b–13 In the body of Christ there are varieties of gifts, but one Spirit.or
Acts 2:1–21 On the day of Pentecost, God pours out the Spirit upon the earth.
John 20:19–23 The risen Lord appears to the disciples and gives them the Spirit. or
John 7:37–39 Jesus promises the Spirit: living water from the believer’s heart.
May 7, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Colors: White and Gold
Lectionary Readings
Acts 7:55–60 An angry crowd stones Stephen; he prays: Jesus, receive my spirit.
Psalm 31:1–5, 15–16 Deliver me, O Lord; into your hand I commit my spirit.
1 Peter 2:2–10 Now you are God’s people, built into a temple like living stones.
John 14:1–14 Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; he prepares a place for us.
May 14, 2023
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Colors: White and Gold
Lectionary Readings
Acts 17:22–31 Paul introduces the Athenians to their “unknown god”: the Lord.
Psalm 66:8–20 Bless God, who hears our prayers and keeps us among the living.
1 Peter 3:13–22 Do not fear; testify to the hope that is in you through Christ.
John 14:15–21 Jesus says: the Father will send the Spirit, who will abide in you.
May 21, 2023
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Colors: White and Gold
Lectionary Readings
Acts 1:6–14 After Jesus’ ascension, the disciples go to Jerusalem and pray.
Psalm 68:1–10, God rides upon the clouds, and gives power to the people. 32–35J
1 Peter 4:12–14; 5:6–11 You are suffering now, but the God of grace will restore you.
John 17:1–11 Jesus seeks the glory of God and prays for his disciples.
May 28, 2023
Day of Pentecost
Color: Red
Lectionary Readings
If Numbers 11 is chosen as the First Reading, Acts 2 should be used as the Second Reading.
Acts 2:1–21 On the day of Pentecost, God pours out the Spirit upon the earth. or Numbers
11:24–30 The Lord sends the Spirit to the elders of Israel, and they prophesy.
Psalm 104:24–34, 35b The Lord of creation sends forth the Spirit to renew the earth. 1
Corinthians 12:3b–13 In the body of Christ there are varieties of gifts, but one Spirit.or
Acts 2:1–21 On the day of Pentecost, God pours out the Spirit upon the earth.
John 20:19–23 The risen Lord appears to the disciples and gives them the Spirit. or
John 7:37–39 Jesus promises the Spirit: living water from the believer’s heart.