Isaiah spoke to a people called chosen,
to a tribe called Israel, with a light of hope.
Gabriel came to a town called Nazareth,
to a girl called Mary, with a light of joy.
Mary went to a place called Bethlehem,
to a stable called a nursery,
with a light of love.
As we light our fourth Advent candle,
we rejoice with Mary, for Love has flesh.
Come now, O Child of Mary.
Come now, O Prince of Love.
to a tribe called Israel, with a light of hope.
Gabriel came to a town called Nazareth,
to a girl called Mary, with a light of joy.
Mary went to a place called Bethlehem,
to a stable called a nursery,
with a light of love.
As we light our fourth Advent candle,
we rejoice with Mary, for Love has flesh.
Come now, O Child of Mary.
Come now, O Prince of Love.